Build & Deploy

Koyeb CLI Reference

The Koyeb CLI allows you to interact with Koyeb directly from the terminal. This documentation references all commands and options available in the CLI.

If you have not installed the Koyeb CLI yet, please read the installation guide.


Koyeb CLI


  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
  -h, --help                  help for koyeb
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb login

Login to your Koyeb account

koyeb login [flags]


  -h, --help   help for login

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps



  -h, --help   help for apps

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps create

Create app

koyeb apps create NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps delete

Delete app

koyeb apps delete NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps describe

Describe app

koyeb apps describe NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps get

Get app

koyeb apps get NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps init

Create app and service

koyeb apps init NAME [flags]


See examples of koyeb service create --help


      --archive string                           Archive ID to deploy
      --archive-builder string                   Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --archive-buildpack-build-command string   Buid command
      --archive-buildpack-run-command string     Run command
      --archive-docker-args strings              Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --archive-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --archive-docker-command string            Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --archive-docker-args flag.
      --archive-docker-dockerfile string         Dockerfile path
      --archive-docker-entrypoint strings        Docker entrypoint
      --archive-docker-target string             Docker target
      --autoscaling-average-cpu int              Target CPU usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable CPU autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-average-mem int              Target memory usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable memory autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-concurrent-requests int      Target concurrent requests to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable concurrent requests autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-per-second int      Target requests per second to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable requests per second autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-response-time int   Target p95 response time to trigger a scaling event (in ms). Set to 0 to disable concurrent response time autoscaling.
      --checks strings                           Update service healthchecks (available for services of type "web" only)
                                                 For HTTP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:http:<PATH>, for example --checks 8080:http:/health
                                                 For TCP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:tcp, for example --checks 8080:tcp
                                                 To delete a healthcheck, use !PORT, for example --checks '!8080'
      --checks-grace-period strings              Set healthcheck grace period in seconds.
                                                 Use the format <healthcheck>=<seconds>, for example --checks-grace-period 8080=10
      --config-file strings                      Mount a copy of local file as a file in the service container using the format LOCAL_FILE:PATH:[PERMISSIONS]
                                                 for example --config-file /etc/data.yaml:/etc/data.yaml:0644
                                                 To delete a file mount, use !PATH, for example --config-file !/etc/data.yaml
      --deployment-strategy STRATEGY             Deployment strategy, either "rolling" (default), "blue-green" or "immediate".
      --docker string                            Docker image
      --docker-args strings                      Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-args flag multiple times.
      --docker-command string                    Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --docker-args flag.
      --docker-entrypoint strings                Docker entrypoint. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-entrypoint flag multiple times.
      --docker-private-registry-secret string    Docker private registry secret
      --env strings                              Update service environment variables using the format KEY=VALUE, for example --env FOO=bar
                                                 To use the value of a secret as an environment variable, use the following syntax: --env FOO={{}}
                                                 To delete an environment variable, prefix its name with '!', for example --env '!FOO'
      --git string                               Git repository
      --git-branch string                        Git branch (default "main")
      --git-build-command string                 Buid command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-build-command)
      --git-builder string                       Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --git-buildpack-build-command string       Buid command
      --git-buildpack-run-command string         Run command
      --git-docker-args strings                  Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --git-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --git-docker-command string                Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --git-docker-args flag.
      --git-docker-dockerfile string             Dockerfile path
      --git-docker-entrypoint strings            Docker entrypoint
      --git-docker-target string                 Docker target
      --git-no-deploy-on-push                    Disable new deployments creation when code changes are pushed on the configured branch
      --git-run-command string                   Run command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-run-command)
      --git-sha string                           Git commit SHA to deploy
      --git-workdir string                       Path to the sub-directory containing the code to build and deploy
  -h, --help                                     help for init
      --instance-type string                     Instance type (default "nano")
      --max-scale int                            Max scale (default 1)
      --min-scale int                            Min scale (default 1)
      --ports strings                            Update service ports (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PORT[:PROTOCOL], for example --port 8080:http
                                                 PROTOCOL defaults to "http". Supported protocols are "http", "http2" and "tcp"
                                                 To delete an exposed port, prefix its number with '!', for example --port '!80'
      --privileged                               Whether the service container should run in privileged mode
      --regions strings                          Add a region where the service is deployed. You can specify this flag multiple times to deploy the service in multiple regions.
                                                 To update a service and remove a region, prefix the region name with '!', for example --region '!par'
                                                 If the region is not specified on service creation, the service is deployed in was
      --routes strings                           Update service routes (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PATH[:PORT], for example '/foo:8080'
                                                 PORT defaults to 8000
                                                 To delete a route, use '!PATH', for example --route '!/foo'
      --scale int                                Set both min-scale and max-scale (default 1)
      --skip-cache                               Whether to use the cache when building the service
      --type string                              Service type, either "web" or "worker" (default "web")
      --volumes strings                          Update service volumes using the format VOLUME:PATH, for example --volume myvolume:/data.To delete a volume, use !VOLUME, for example --volume '!myvolume'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps list

List apps

koyeb apps list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps pause

Pause app

koyeb apps pause NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for pause

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps resume

Resume app

koyeb apps resume NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for resume

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb apps update

Update app

koyeb apps update NAME [flags]


  -D, --domain string   Change the subdomain of the app (only specify the subdomain, skipping "")
  -h, --help            help for update
  -n, --name string     Change the name of the app

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb archives



  -h, --help   help for archives

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb archives create

Create archive

koyeb archives create NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deploy

Deploy a directory to Koyeb

koyeb deploy <path> <app>/<service> [flags]


      --app string                               Service application. Can also be provided in the service name with the format <app>/<service>
      --archive string                           Archive ID to deploy
      --archive-builder string                   Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --archive-buildpack-build-command string   Buid command
      --archive-buildpack-run-command string     Run command
      --archive-docker-args strings              Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --archive-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --archive-docker-command string            Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --archive-docker-args flag.
      --archive-docker-dockerfile string         Dockerfile path
      --archive-docker-entrypoint strings        Docker entrypoint
      --archive-docker-target string             Docker target
      --autoscaling-average-cpu int              Target CPU usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable CPU autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-average-mem int              Target memory usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable memory autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-concurrent-requests int      Target concurrent requests to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable concurrent requests autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-per-second int      Target requests per second to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable requests per second autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-response-time int   Target p95 response time to trigger a scaling event (in ms). Set to 0 to disable concurrent response time autoscaling.
      --checks strings                           Update service healthchecks (available for services of type "web" only)
                                                 For HTTP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:http:<PATH>, for example --checks 8080:http:/health
                                                 For TCP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:tcp, for example --checks 8080:tcp
                                                 To delete a healthcheck, use !PORT, for example --checks '!8080'
      --checks-grace-period strings              Set healthcheck grace period in seconds.
                                                 Use the format <healthcheck>=<seconds>, for example --checks-grace-period 8080=10
      --config-file strings                      Mount a copy of local file as a file in the service container using the format LOCAL_FILE:PATH:[PERMISSIONS]
                                                 for example --config-file /etc/data.yaml:/etc/data.yaml:0644
                                                 To delete a file mount, use !PATH, for example --config-file !/etc/data.yaml
      --deployment-strategy STRATEGY             Deployment strategy, either "rolling" (default), "blue-green" or "immediate".
      --env strings                              Update service environment variables using the format KEY=VALUE, for example --env FOO=bar
                                                 To use the value of a secret as an environment variable, use the following syntax: --env FOO={{}}
                                                 To delete an environment variable, prefix its name with '!', for example --env '!FOO'
  -h, --help                                     help for deploy
      --instance-type string                     Instance type (default "nano")
      --max-scale int                            Max scale (default 1)
      --min-scale int                            Min scale (default 1)
      --ports strings                            Update service ports (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PORT[:PROTOCOL], for example --port 8080:http
                                                 PROTOCOL defaults to "http". Supported protocols are "http", "http2" and "tcp"
                                                 To delete an exposed port, prefix its number with '!', for example --port '!80'
      --privileged                               Whether the service container should run in privileged mode
      --regions strings                          Add a region where the service is deployed. You can specify this flag multiple times to deploy the service in multiple regions.
                                                 To update a service and remove a region, prefix the region name with '!', for example --region '!par'
                                                 If the region is not specified on service creation, the service is deployed in was
      --routes strings                           Update service routes (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PATH[:PORT], for example '/foo:8080'
                                                 PORT defaults to 8000
                                                 To delete a route, use '!PATH', for example --route '!/foo'
      --scale int                                Set both min-scale and max-scale (default 1)
      --skip-cache                               Whether to use the cache when building the service
      --type string                              Service type, either "web" or "worker" (default "web")
      --volumes strings                          Update service volumes using the format VOLUME:PATH, for example --volume myvolume:/data.To delete a volume, use !VOLUME, for example --volume '!myvolume'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains



  -h, --help   help for domains

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains attach

Attach a custom domain to an existing app

koyeb domains attach NAME APP [flags]


  -h, --help   help for attach

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains create

Create domain

koyeb domains create NAME [flags]


      --attach-to string   Upon creation, assign to given app
  -h, --help               help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains delete

Delete domain

koyeb domains delete [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains describe

Describe domain

koyeb domains describe [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains detach

Detach a custom domain from the app it is currently attached to

koyeb domains detach NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for detach

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains get

Get domain

koyeb domains get NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains list

List domains

koyeb domains list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb domains refresh

Refresh a custom domain verification status

koyeb domains refresh NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for refresh

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb organizations



  -h, --help   help for organizations

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb organizations list

List organizations

koyeb organizations list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb organizations switch

Switch the CLI context to another organization

koyeb organizations switch [flags]


  -h, --help   help for switch

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets



  -h, --help   help for secrets

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets create

Create secret

koyeb secrets create NAME [flags]


  -h, --help                       help for create
      --registry-keyfile string    Registry URL. Only valid with --type=registry-gcp, otherwise ignored
      --registry-name string       Registry name. Only valid with --type=registry-azure, otherwise ignored
      --registry-url string        Registry URL. Only valid with --type=registry-private and --type=registry-gcp, otherwise ignored
      --registry-username string   Registry username. Only valid with --type=registry-*
      --type type                  Secret type (simple, registry-dockerhub, registry-private, registry-digital-ocean, registry-gitlab, registry-gcp, registry-azure) (default simple)
  -v, --value string               Secret Value
      --value-from-stdin           Secret Value from stdin

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets delete

Delete secret

koyeb secrets delete NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets describe

Describe secret

koyeb secrets describe NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets get

Get secret

koyeb secrets get NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets list

List secrets

koyeb secrets list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets reveal

Show secret value

koyeb secrets reveal NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for reveal

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb secrets update

Update secret

koyeb secrets update NAME [flags]


  -h, --help                       help for update
      --registry-keyfile string    Registry URL. Only valid with --type=registry-gcp, otherwise ignored
      --registry-name string       Registry name. Only valid with --type=registry-azure, otherwise ignored
      --registry-url string        Registry URL. Only valid with --type=registry-private and --type=registry-gcp, otherwise ignored
      --registry-username string   Registry username. Only valid with --type=registry-*
  -v, --value string               Secret Value
      --value-from-stdin           Secret Value from stdin

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services



  -h, --help   help for services

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services create

Create service

koyeb services create NAME [flags]


# Deploy a nginx docker image, listening on port 80
$> koyeb service create myservice --app myapp --docker nginx --port 80

# Deploy a nginx docker image and set the docker CMD explicitly, equivalent to docker CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
$> koyeb service create myservice --app myapp --docker nginx --port 80 --docker-command nginx --docker-args '-g' --docker-args 'daemon off;'

# Build and deploy a GitHub repository using buildpack (default), set the environment variable PORT, and expose the port 9000 to the root route
$> koyeb service create myservice --app myapp --git --git-branch main --env PORT=9000 --port 9000:http --route /:9000

# Build and deploy a GitHub repository using docker
$> koyeb service create myservice --app myapp --git --git-branch main --git-builder docker

# Create a docker service, only accessible from the mesh (--route is not automatically created for TCP ports)
$> koyeb service create myservice --app myapp --docker nginx --port 80:tcp


  -a, --app string                               Service application
      --archive string                           Archive ID to deploy
      --archive-builder string                   Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --archive-buildpack-build-command string   Buid command
      --archive-buildpack-run-command string     Run command
      --archive-docker-args strings              Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --archive-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --archive-docker-command string            Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --archive-docker-args flag.
      --archive-docker-dockerfile string         Dockerfile path
      --archive-docker-entrypoint strings        Docker entrypoint
      --archive-docker-target string             Docker target
      --autoscaling-average-cpu int              Target CPU usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable CPU autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-average-mem int              Target memory usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable memory autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-concurrent-requests int      Target concurrent requests to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable concurrent requests autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-per-second int      Target requests per second to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable requests per second autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-response-time int   Target p95 response time to trigger a scaling event (in ms). Set to 0 to disable concurrent response time autoscaling.
      --checks strings                           Update service healthchecks (available for services of type "web" only)
                                                 For HTTP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:http:<PATH>, for example --checks 8080:http:/health
                                                 For TCP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:tcp, for example --checks 8080:tcp
                                                 To delete a healthcheck, use !PORT, for example --checks '!8080'
      --checks-grace-period strings              Set healthcheck grace period in seconds.
                                                 Use the format <healthcheck>=<seconds>, for example --checks-grace-period 8080=10
      --config-file strings                      Mount a copy of local file as a file in the service container using the format LOCAL_FILE:PATH:[PERMISSIONS]
                                                 for example --config-file /etc/data.yaml:/etc/data.yaml:0644
                                                 To delete a file mount, use !PATH, for example --config-file !/etc/data.yaml
      --deployment-strategy STRATEGY             Deployment strategy, either "rolling" (default), "blue-green" or "immediate".
      --docker string                            Docker image
      --docker-args strings                      Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-args flag multiple times.
      --docker-command string                    Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --docker-args flag.
      --docker-entrypoint strings                Docker entrypoint. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-entrypoint flag multiple times.
      --docker-private-registry-secret string    Docker private registry secret
      --env strings                              Update service environment variables using the format KEY=VALUE, for example --env FOO=bar
                                                 To use the value of a secret as an environment variable, use the following syntax: --env FOO={{}}
                                                 To delete an environment variable, prefix its name with '!', for example --env '!FOO'
      --git string                               Git repository
      --git-branch string                        Git branch (default "main")
      --git-build-command string                 Buid command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-build-command)
      --git-builder string                       Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --git-buildpack-build-command string       Buid command
      --git-buildpack-run-command string         Run command
      --git-docker-args strings                  Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --git-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --git-docker-command string                Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --git-docker-args flag.
      --git-docker-dockerfile string             Dockerfile path
      --git-docker-entrypoint strings            Docker entrypoint
      --git-docker-target string                 Docker target
      --git-no-deploy-on-push                    Disable new deployments creation when code changes are pushed on the configured branch
      --git-run-command string                   Run command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-run-command)
      --git-sha string                           Git commit SHA to deploy
      --git-workdir string                       Path to the sub-directory containing the code to build and deploy
  -h, --help                                     help for create
      --instance-type string                     Instance type (default "nano")
      --max-scale int                            Max scale (default 1)
      --min-scale int                            Min scale (default 1)
      --ports strings                            Update service ports (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PORT[:PROTOCOL], for example --port 8080:http
                                                 PROTOCOL defaults to "http". Supported protocols are "http", "http2" and "tcp"
                                                 To delete an exposed port, prefix its number with '!', for example --port '!80'
      --privileged                               Whether the service container should run in privileged mode
      --regions strings                          Add a region where the service is deployed. You can specify this flag multiple times to deploy the service in multiple regions.
                                                 To update a service and remove a region, prefix the region name with '!', for example --region '!par'
                                                 If the region is not specified on service creation, the service is deployed in was
      --routes strings                           Update service routes (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PATH[:PORT], for example '/foo:8080'
                                                 PORT defaults to 8000
                                                 To delete a route, use '!PATH', for example --route '!/foo'
      --scale int                                Set both min-scale and max-scale (default 1)
      --skip-cache                               Whether to use the cache when building the service
      --type string                              Service type, either "web" or "worker" (default "web")
      --volumes strings                          Update service volumes using the format VOLUME:PATH, for example --volume myvolume:/data.To delete a volume, use !VOLUME, for example --volume '!myvolume'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services delete

Delete service

koyeb services delete NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services describe

Describe service

koyeb services describe NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services exec

Run a command in the context of an instance selected among the service instances

koyeb services exec NAME CMD -- [args...] [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for exec

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services get

Get service

koyeb services get NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services list

List services

koyeb services list [flags]


  -a, --app string    App
  -h, --help          help for list
  -n, --name string   Service name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services logs

Get the service logs

koyeb services logs NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string                Service application
  -h, --help                      help for logs
      --instance string           Instance
      --since HumanFriendlyDate   Only return logs after this specific date (default 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC)
  -t, --type string               Type (runtime, build)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services pause

Pause service

koyeb services pause NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for pause

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services redeploy

Redeploy service

koyeb services redeploy NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for redeploy
      --skip-build   If there has been at least one past successfully build deployment, use the last one instead of rebuilding. WARNING: this can lead to unexpected behavior if the build depends, for example, on environment variables.
      --use-cache    Use cache to redeploy

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services resume

Resume service

koyeb services resume NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for resume

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services unapplied-changes

Show unapplied changes saved with the --save-only flag, which will be applied in the next deployment

koyeb services unapplied-changes SERVICE_NAME [flags]


  -a, --app string   Service application
  -h, --help         help for unapplied-changes

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb services update

Update service

koyeb services update NAME [flags]


# Update the service "myservice" in the app "myapp", upsert the environment variable PORT and delete the environment variable DEBUG
$> koyeb service update myapp/myservice --env PORT=8001 --env '!DEBUG'

# Update the docker command of the service "myservice" in the app "myapp", equivalent to docker CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
$> koyeb service update myapp/myservice --docker-command nginx --docker-args '-g' --docker-args 'daemon off;'

# Given a public service configured with the port 80:http and the route /:80, update it to make the service private, ie. only
# accessible from the mesh, by changing the port's protocol and removing the route
$> koyeb service update myapp/myservice --port 80:tcp --route '!/'


  -a, --app string                               Service application
      --archive string                           Archive ID to deploy
      --archive-builder string                   Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --archive-buildpack-build-command string   Buid command
      --archive-buildpack-run-command string     Run command
      --archive-docker-args strings              Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --archive-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --archive-docker-command string            Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --archive-docker-args flag.
      --archive-docker-dockerfile string         Dockerfile path
      --archive-docker-entrypoint strings        Docker entrypoint
      --archive-docker-target string             Docker target
      --autoscaling-average-cpu int              Target CPU usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable CPU autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-average-mem int              Target memory usage (in %) to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable memory autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-concurrent-requests int      Target concurrent requests to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable concurrent requests autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-per-second int      Target requests per second to trigger a scaling event. Set to 0 to disable requests per second autoscaling.
      --autoscaling-requests-response-time int   Target p95 response time to trigger a scaling event (in ms). Set to 0 to disable concurrent response time autoscaling.
      --checks strings                           Update service healthchecks (available for services of type "web" only)
                                                 For HTTP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:http:<PATH>, for example --checks 8080:http:/health
                                                 For TCP healthchecks, use the format <PORT>:tcp, for example --checks 8080:tcp
                                                 To delete a healthcheck, use !PORT, for example --checks '!8080'
      --checks-grace-period strings              Set healthcheck grace period in seconds.
                                                 Use the format <healthcheck>=<seconds>, for example --checks-grace-period 8080=10
      --config-file strings                      Mount a copy of local file as a file in the service container using the format LOCAL_FILE:PATH:[PERMISSIONS]
                                                 for example --config-file /etc/data.yaml:/etc/data.yaml:0644
                                                 To delete a file mount, use !PATH, for example --config-file !/etc/data.yaml
      --deployment-strategy STRATEGY             Deployment strategy, either "rolling" (default), "blue-green" or "immediate".
      --docker string                            Docker image
      --docker-args strings                      Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-args flag multiple times.
      --docker-command string                    Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --docker-args flag.
      --docker-entrypoint strings                Docker entrypoint. To provide multiple arguments, use the --docker-entrypoint flag multiple times.
      --docker-private-registry-secret string    Docker private registry secret
      --env strings                              Update service environment variables using the format KEY=VALUE, for example --env FOO=bar
                                                 To use the value of a secret as an environment variable, use the following syntax: --env FOO={{}}
                                                 To delete an environment variable, prefix its name with '!', for example --env '!FOO'
      --git string                               Git repository
      --git-branch string                        Git branch (default "main")
      --git-build-command string                 Buid command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-build-command)
      --git-builder string                       Builder to use, either "buildpack" (default) or "docker" (default "buildpack")
      --git-buildpack-build-command string       Buid command
      --git-buildpack-run-command string         Run command
      --git-docker-args strings                  Set arguments to the docker command. To provide multiple arguments, use the --git-docker-args flag multiple times.
      --git-docker-command string                Set the docker CMD explicitly. To provide arguments to the command, use the --git-docker-args flag.
      --git-docker-dockerfile string             Dockerfile path
      --git-docker-entrypoint strings            Docker entrypoint
      --git-docker-target string                 Docker target
      --git-no-deploy-on-push                    Disable new deployments creation when code changes are pushed on the configured branch
      --git-run-command string                   Run command (legacy, prefer git-buildpack-run-command)
      --git-sha string                           Git commit SHA to deploy
      --git-workdir string                       Path to the sub-directory containing the code to build and deploy
  -h, --help                                     help for update
      --instance-type string                     Instance type (default "nano")
      --max-scale int                            Max scale (default 1)
      --min-scale int                            Min scale (default 1)
      --name string                              Specify to update the service name
      --override                                 Override the service configuration with the new configuration instead of merging them
      --ports strings                            Update service ports (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PORT[:PROTOCOL], for example --port 8080:http
                                                 PROTOCOL defaults to "http". Supported protocols are "http", "http2" and "tcp"
                                                 To delete an exposed port, prefix its number with '!', for example --port '!80'
      --privileged                               Whether the service container should run in privileged mode
      --regions strings                          Add a region where the service is deployed. You can specify this flag multiple times to deploy the service in multiple regions.
                                                 To update a service and remove a region, prefix the region name with '!', for example --region '!par'
                                                 If the region is not specified on service creation, the service is deployed in was
      --routes strings                           Update service routes (available for services of type "web" only) using the format PATH[:PORT], for example '/foo:8080'
                                                 PORT defaults to 8000
                                                 To delete a route, use '!PATH', for example --route '!/foo'
      --save-only                                Save the new configuration without deploying it
      --scale int                                Set both min-scale and max-scale (default 1)
      --skip-build                               If there has been at least one past successfully build deployment, use the last one instead of rebuilding. WARNING: this can lead to unexpected behavior if the build depends, for example, on environment variables.
      --skip-cache                               Whether to use the cache when building the service
      --type string                              Service type, either "web" or "worker" (default "web")
      --volumes strings                          Update service volumes using the format VOLUME:PATH, for example --volume myvolume:/data.To delete a volume, use !VOLUME, for example --volume '!myvolume'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments



  -h, --help   help for deployments

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments cancel

Cancel deployment

koyeb deployments cancel NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for cancel

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments describe

Describe deployment

koyeb deployments describe NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments get

Get deployment

koyeb deployments get NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments list

List deployments

koyeb deployments list [flags]


      --app string       Limit the list to deployments of a specific app
  -h, --help             help for list
      --service string   Limit the list to deployments of a specific service

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb deployments logs

Get deployment logs

koyeb deployments logs NAME [flags]


  -h, --help                      help for logs
      --since HumanFriendlyDate   Only return logs after this specific date (default 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC)
  -t, --type string               Type of log (runtime, build)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances



  -h, --help   help for instances

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances cp

Copy files and directories to and from instances.

koyeb instances cp SRC DST [flags]


To copy a file called `hello.txt` from the current directory of your local machine to the `/tmp` directory of a remote Koyeb Instance, type:
$> koyeb instance cp hello.txt <instance_id>:/tmp/
To copy a `spreadsheet.csv` file from the `/tmp/` directory of your Koyeb Instance to the current directory on your local machine, type:
$> koyeb instance cp <instance_id>:/tmp/spreadsheet.csv .


  -h, --help   help for cp

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances describe

Describe instance

koyeb instances describe NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for describe

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances exec

Run a command in the context of an instance

koyeb instances exec NAME CMD -- [args...] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for exec

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances get

Get instance

koyeb instances get NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances list

List instances

koyeb instances list [flags]


      --app string       Filter on App id or name
  -h, --help             help for list
      --service string   Filter on Service id or name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb instances logs

Get instance logs

koyeb instances logs NAME [flags]


  -h, --help                      help for logs
      --since HumanFriendlyDate   Only return logs after this specific date (default 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases



  -h, --help   help for databases

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases create

Create database

koyeb databases create NAME [flags]


      --app app-name/database-name   Database application. If the application does not exist, it will be created. Can also be provided in the database name with the format app-name/database-name
      --db-name string               Database name (default "koyebdb")
      --db-owner string              Database owner (default "koyeb-adm")
  -h, --help                         help for create
      --instance-type string         Instance type (free, small, medium or large) (default "free")
      --name string                  Specify to update the database name
      --pg-version int               PostgreSQL version (default 16)
      --region string                Region where the database is deployed (default "was")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases delete

Delete database

koyeb databases delete NAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases get

Get database

koyeb databases get NAME [flags]


      --app app-name/database-name   Database application. If the application does not exist, it will be created. Can also be provided in the database name with the format app-name/database-name
  -h, --help                         help for get

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases list

List databases

koyeb databases list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb databases update

Update database

koyeb databases update NAME [flags]


      --app app-name/database-name   Database application. If the application does not exist, it will be created. Can also be provided in the database name with the format app-name/database-name
  -h, --help                         help for update
      --instance-type string         Instance type (free, small, medium or large) (default "free")
      --name string                  Specify to update the database name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb version

Get version

koyeb version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")

koyeb volumes

Manage persistent volumes


  -h, --help   help for volumes

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string         config file (default is $HOME/.koyeb.yaml)
  -d, --debug                 enable the debug output
      --debug-full            do not hide sensitive information (tokens) in the debug output
      --force-ascii           only output ascii characters (no unicode emojis)
      --full                  do not truncate output
      --organization string   organization ID
  -o, --output output         output format (yaml,json,table)
      --token string          API token
      --url string            url of the api (default "")