Our history
We started Koyeb as a team of three founders, Edouard, Bastien and I, Yann. Edouard is currently in charge of the product, ensuring we fulfill all of our users' needs, while Bastien takes care of the heavy-duty of envisioning a rock-solid technology for our platform. Koyeb is our second venture and here is a bit of our history to understand our motivations.
Working in the cloud industry since 2011 and former executives at Scaleway, the 2nd largest Cloud Service Provider (CSP) in Europe, we've seen the rise of Cloud Platforms from the inside out during the last decade.
At Scaleway, we have been part of the founding team at the time when 2nd generation Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers came to market. We've seen our users quickly deploy cloud servers and leverage a growing cloud ecosystem. We've also seen users struggle to operate their cloud infrastructure.
The adoption of the cloud now risen to a point where nearly all companies use the cloud to host their apps. A large part of them struggle to operate their cloud infrastructure and deploy apps quickly. We believe we can support these companies and allow developers to deploy apps in minutes instead of months.
Our mission is to provide a third-generation Cloud Platform, leveraging the power of installed infrastructure providers.