Tailscale SSH

Deploy Tailscale to get SSH access to your Koyeb Instance.


Tailscale is a zero configuration VPN service designed to make building secure networks easy. Using Tailscale, you can quickly onboard new devices and users, tunnel through complex network topologies, and design systems that are both accessible and secure.

This starter demonstrates how to deploy a worker service running Tailscale for SSH access.


The following environment variable is required when deploying this one-click

  • TAILSCALE_AUTHKEY: A Tailscale authentication key, which can be generated by clicking Generate auth key in the key management section of the Tailscale settings. When creating a key for Koyeb, it's best to select the Reusable and Ephemeral options to allow the key to be used again during redeploys and to allow Tailscale to automatically remove machines that have been shutdown from the network.

When the application is deployed, you can SSH into the root user of your Koyeb Instance from a local machine in your Tailscale network. The Koyeb Instance hostname will use the following format: <KOYEB_APP_NAME>-<KOYEB_SERVICE_NAME>.

For example, if your Koyeb App is called flowing-ingrid and your Service is called example-tailscale-ssh, you could connect using:

ssh root@flowing-ingrid-example-tailscale-ssh

Other resources related to Tailscale

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