Database tutorials
Discover how to build, deploy and run Database applications in production on Koyeb. The fastest way to deploy applications globally.

Deploy Redis as an In-Memory Database for Koyeb Applications
Learn how to set up Redis, the most popular in-memory key-value data store, to use with your Koyeb applications.

Deploy a GraphQL API with MongoDB Atlas and Apollo Server on Koyeb
Discover how to deploy a GraphQL API using MongoDB Atlas and Apollo Server. Apollo Server is s an open-source GraphQL server that provides an easy way to build a GraphQL API that can use data from multiple sources, including several databases and even REST APIs.

Running PostHog Product Analytics on Koyeb
This guide covers how to deploy the open-source PostHog product analytics app on the Koyeb serverless platform. With PostHogs, you can integrate product analytics into your app without needing to send data to third parties.

How to connect your apps to a PlanetScale database on Koyeb
This tutorial explains how to use and securely connect your apps to a PlanetScale database on the Koyeb serverless platform.